What is Tandem?
Tandem is a language learning partnership where two people with different native languages learn each other’s language and culture. It is the most widespread form of collaborative language learning in Europe today. When working in Tandem, both partners alternate between learning a foreign language and acting not as teachers but as expert informants on their own language and culture.
Types of Tandem Language Learning
A. In face-to-face Tandem two partners of different native languages agree to meet at regular intervals for language exchange where one partner is always the learner and the other is the supportive native speaker. This exchange can be made through tasks set by a teacher / Tandem coach or the learners can negotiate and agree on topics for discussion based on their individual needs and interests. This type of Tandem focuses on any language skill or a combination of skills through oral communication; i.e. listening and speaking. One very important thing in face-to-face Tandem partnerships is that each meeting should be divided equally between the two languages.
B. Online Tandem is more suited to learners who are geographically distant. In this type of collaboration, learners may use synchronous (chats, Skype, or MOOs) or asynchronous (e-mails, forums, blogs, SMS) communication methods. While in the former the emphasis is on speaking and listening, in the latter the emphasis is on reading and writing.
Principles of Tandem Language Learning Partnership:
1. Reciprocity.
In Tandem, partners support each other’s language learning. Maximizing learning by working together is the goal. Tandem partners must benefit the partnership equally. For this purpose, equal amount of time should be spent on each language as much as possible and partners should work for each other to reach their language learning objectives.
2. Autonomous learning.
Learners need to know how a language is learnt, how Tandem learning works, how they can best help each other in correcting mistakes and what they can expect from each other. In other words, learners need to organize their learning, manage their attitude to learning, and develop appropriate learning techniques and strategies. Learner autonomy in Tandem entails that learners take responsibility for their own and for their partner's learning.
Advantages of Tandem Language Learning Partnership:
- Provides the opportunity to learn from a native speaker.
- Autonomous:
- The program is shaped according to the learner’s own learning needs.
- It is the learner who decides on where and when to study.
- Materials / topics to be covered are chosen by the learner.
- Based on interaction: enables socialization.
- Creates opportunities to learn about a different culture closely.
- Helps the learner to be more aware of his/her native language and own culture.
- Helps learners to develop individual language learning skills.
- Based on the principles of life-long learning.
- Free of charge.